A few days before Halloween, we made our traditional trip to the pumpkin patch.
Ashlyn really wanted to pet the chickens and Kaya liked the bunnies.
Kaya was Ariel this year. She was a beautiful mermaid.
Ashlyn was JoJo the Clown and was a hit with everyone.
And Brad would settle for nothing less than a BYU football player. Complete with authentic helmet and jersey. He looked great!
Grandma Kathie and Aunt Tiffany were with us the weekend of Halloween because Brenden and I were leaving for Maui on Monday morning. It was fun to have visitors with us for our Halloween festivities. We made a trip to Monterey in the morning and it was a beautiful day!
That evening, Matt and Corynne joined us for Trick or Treating. The kids got tons of candy as usual and had a great time.
Ashlyn was especially fun to watch since she was really excited about the idea of getting candy. She was very polite at each door and remembered to say Thank You and Happy Halloween. What a cute girl she is!
So cute! Kaya made the perfect Ariel and Brad and Ashlyn both looked darling (although I don't think Brad would appreciate being called 'darling' as a footballe player)
sorry meant football, I promise I can spell
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