Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Kaya!

Kaya turned 5 yesterday, June 25th. It was such a fun and busy day. When she woke up there was a special birthday balloon on her bed, and it didn't leave her side all day.

Then we started the morning off with a trip to the mall with Aunt Kaylee and Aunt Corynne. Kaya had asked for a Build-A-Bear so that was our first stop. She made a cute ballerina bunny, named Brown Bunny.

Next the 4 of us made a stop at the Disney Store where Kaya spent some of her birthday money on a Prince Eric doll. Now Ariel will not be lonely at our house. Kaya was so cute with her purse and balloon and shopping bags. She was so thrilled to be on a big girl shopping trip.

We had lunch at Cheesecake Factory, although, Kaya requested a Happy Meal and so we smuggled one in for her. At the end of our lunch, the waitress surprised her with a darling birthday sunday and they sang to her. It was very cute.

That afternoon, Kaya had her 3 best friends over for a tea party. The girls decorated flip flops and cakes. It was so cute to listen to their little conversations as they played was SO different from the last party I threw for Brad and his friends :).

Finally, we ended the day with a family barbeque. Matt and Corynne, Kaylee and Kyle, and the 5 of us were all together. It was so fun to be together as a family and make the day special for her.

Kaya opened presents and we had cake and ice cream. It was such a full day but was so much fun for all of us!

We are so happy that Kaya is in our family!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Way to go blogger! ;)It's looking great. I'm envious of all your time you get to spend with your siblings.